Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lazy Hump Day - tissue wreath project

So today I did absolutely nothing.  Well, I did absolutely nothing with my husband. He is currently studying for his doctorate in physical therapy and is in school full time. That's right, I'm his sugar mama. Well today he had the day off and we just hung out with the baby, napped and watched Ellen together.  This almost never happens so we both indulged in this rare occassion.  I highly recommend it to other parents no matter how many "projects" you may have.  The projects will always be there.

Anyway, I thougth I'd post this valentine's craft that I made yesterday, which inspired me to start up blogging again.  This is called a tissue paper wreath and I made it based on this image from Pinterest. Since I had limited supplies on hand, I improvised a bit.  I used a cardboard circle that I had left over from a Martha Stewart kit and glued 1 inch pink and red tissue squares with a glue stick.  I used the dull end of a pen to adhere the tissue paper to the wreath by placing it in the middle of the tissue square. I used two pieces of tissue paper to complete the entire wreath (that's all I had, anyway).  Then I used some red ribbon to hang it up on an entrance mirror. Ta da! Festive!

This proejct took a whopping 15 minutes to complete. So easy and your kids can help too but I was too anxious to wait on my 3 1/2 year old and just did it myself. I do have other projects in mind that involve his grubby little hands.

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