So here's the big before and after reveal:

my favorite feature of the new bathroom is the toiletries holder that you can't see until you walk in the shower because of the expansion. And of course the new shower head.
The pink and white floors HAD to go and instead we laid marble. It's a bit cold but we love the look. It's a little piece of luxury we get to have in our little bathroom.
We expanded the shower which took some space out of the adjoining closet in the smallest bedroom but it's worth the sacrifice. We used grey subway tile on the walls inside the shower and smaller tiles on the floor. We got a new toilet and kept the vanity and the mirror. We may eventually change it out but for now it works for our tiny space. We opted for glass sliding doors instead of a shower curtain (yuck!) or a swinging door which I don't regret doing because the water doesn't drip on the floor and stays within the shower. We went with a light gray/blue color for the walls to complete the "spa" look we were going for. Some of the things we want to eventually add are: a towel rack above the toilet (like in hotels) and maybe a new vanity and mirror.
All the other work that's been done to the house is the stuff you won't really notice or is essential to living, boring! We had to remove 5 trees that could've easily fallen on our house since we had two big storms in the past year, electrical wiring in the whole house, recessed lighting in the living room and basement, new water heater, a shed in the back yard which required us getting a building license (painful process!), new carpet over hardwood floors in our bedrooms, new light fixtures in the dining room and kitchen and attic insulation for the cold winters ahead. The next bit project we're currently working on is finishing the basement. The first half is going to be the kid's playroom which needs most work. It's coming along nicely but we had to start from scratch, baseboard, insulation, drywall, trimming, new doors..basically the works. Right now we just have to paint it and install new carpet so I can't wait to start decorating.
Renovations are taking a little longer than I expected and the process is grueling when you only have time to do things on the weekends but it'll be worth it in the end, at least that's what I keep telling myself. Oh and btw, I guess it's also been hard to put any time into remodeling and redecorating due to a little thing called, a 3rd pregnancy! Oops! Yes, we're expecting yet again..and last post was about Chloe's 100th day celebration. It's going to be a bumpy but joyful ride!